Nordic Fermented Vegetables

With high levels of antioxidants, cultures of healthy bacteria, and a richness of minerals and nutrients, fermented foods are a great way to get some tasty, nutritious foods into your diet. Try our nordic fermented vegetable recipe using the Kilner® Fermentation Set. 

Ingredients and Method


  • 600g Carrots
  • 600g Courgettes
  • 600g Parsnips
  • 2 Litres Water
  • 3 tbsp Salt
  • Spices/ Herbs Of your choice - allspice, cloves, dill, white pepper, bay leaves, etc.


  1. Wash all of the vegetables, if desired peel and chop.
  2. Boil all the vegetables in lightly salted water for less than 5 minutes to soften before fermenting.
  3. Once cooled, add the softened vegetables to the Kilner® Fermentation Jar.
  4. Prepare the brine by adding 3tbsp to 2 litres of water; add into the Kilner® Fermentation Jar. The liquid should cover the mixture completely, leaving 6.5cm space between the liquid and the lid.
  5. Add in the ceramic stones to ensure all vegetables are fully submerged in the brine. The ceramic stones are designed to weigh down the contents to ensure that the anaerobic process can begin.
  6. Place the lid on the jar and fill the airlock with water. Leave to ferment at room temperature for 1-2 weeks. After 1 week, taste test regularly until the desired taste has been reached.